Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Long Time Passing

Hearing "Turn, Turn, Turn" on the radio triggered memories from Jason's early childhood in the 1960s. He remembered singing another Pete Seeger song at Lutheran Bible camp -- "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" Though written around 1956, it was an unambiguous Viet Nam War protest song.

Lutherans aren't exactly known for being liberal, but many of those Jason remembers gathered around the guitar must have been. Looking back, it all seemed a little incongruous.

The next day while picking up his children after a day their Grandma's house, he asked his mother about it.

"I was thinking about when I was a kid. We had an enormous garden, didn't we? It seemed like we picked green beans for hours and hours, though I'm sure it wasn't really all that bad. But anyway, we had that huge vegetable garden, and we'd go to summer camp and sing Pete Seeger songs. Were we communists?"

Normally Jason's mother wouldn't play along on something like this, but this time she suppressed a smile and said "Communists? No, dear, we were Lutherans."

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