Thursday, November 16, 2006

So long, Milton Friedman

My interest in economics was sparked way back in about 1980 or so when I heard about Friedman's negative income tax (NIT) proposal. It appealed to my juvenile mind back then, and it still does.

Yes, I realize that that could be interpreted to mean that I still have a juvenile mind.

Anyway, it seems to me that a NIT could largely satisfy 1) the flat-tax people; 2) the progressive-tax people, and 3) the tax simplification people, all at once.

Alas, the lobbyists who make the Washington world go 'round would all have heart attacks.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


The stupidest post-election blather I've heard yet*: soon-to-be-former-Senator Rick Santorum said something like "This was just a little too steep of a mountain to climb, but it was not for lack of people wanting us to climb it."

I'm pretty sure it was for lack of about a third of a million people wanting him to climb it.

*But it's early on Wednesday. Surely several people will top this by week's end. Howard Dean? Tony Snow? John Kerry? Dubya?


Jim Ryun lost? C'mon, people! The guy ran 3:51.1!